Productive systems in a comparative perspective on the settlements of central and eastern regions


  • Henrique Carmona Duval UNICAMP
  • César Giordano Gêmero UNIARA
  • Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante UNIARA
  • Oriowaldo Queda UNIARA
  • Oscar Frederico Accyoli Landmann UNIARA



This paper presents results of research with federal settlements in two geographical regions of the state of São Paulo: the Central and Eastern
region. We focus here characterize the main types of production systems
and marketing, in which we highlight the part destined to family elfconsumption
and flow through institutional markets. We show that both diversification of agricultural production and commercialization are strategic for the families settled. This picture of the production systems makes it clear that the settlements contribute to that families have better access to food, from access to land. The survey also showed that the resettled families will constitute a consumer market for their production and even an internal market in the settlements, but with the recent purchase programs of the government guarantees of product flow are larger and, therefore, intensifies the regarding settlements and cities. 

Keywords: Rural Settlements; Regional Analysis; Production Systems;
Programs of Government Purchases; Production for Self-Consumption.


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How to Cite

Duval, H. C., Gêmero, C. G., Ferrante, V. L. S. B., Queda, O., & Landmann, O. F. A. (2012). Productive systems in a comparative perspective on the settlements of central and eastern regions. Retratos De Assentamentos, 15(1), 89-134.



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