A major challenge for the agrarian reform settlements: a restructuring proposal for the institutional food market and regional markets systems


  • Newton Narciso Gomes Junior UnB
  • Lavína D Pessanha UnB




This article aims to discuss a marketing arrangement that can contribute in some measure to improve the performance of the marketing of food from production in agrarian reform settlements. Assumed that the dislocation of production and marketing are a lethal mixture to the success of settlement, the article suggests as a goal of producing mapped out by the real market needs of those who produce the separation of who will take charge of selling the output.

Keywords: Agrarian Reform, Settlements, Trade, Food Production.


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How to Cite

Junior, N. N. G., & Pessanha, L. D. (2011). A major challenge for the agrarian reform settlements: a restructuring proposal for the institutional food market and regional markets systems. Retratos De Assentamentos, 14(2), 249-262. https://doi.org/10.25059/2527-2594/retratosdeassentamentos/2011.v14i2.103



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