Systems' theory, culture and rural spaces in land reform


  • Valéria Andreatta Whitaker UNIARA
  • Marinaldo Fernando de Souza UNESP/FCLAr
  • Dulce Consuelo Andreatta Whitaker UNIARA



Nova Ciência, Meio Ambiente, Relação Rural-Urbano.


Fundamentals of Theoretical Ecology and the principles governing ecosystems are discussed in relation to the anthropological concept of culture. These principles have been formed along with the development of Ecology and the advancement of other sciences not necessarily biologically based, such as Mathematics and Physics. A deeper understanding of Ecology in interdisciplinary projects is important because it is both a holistic Science, encompassing several disciplines of the field of knowledge, as a Science, whose principles can be applied to any other science. Its origin and evolution differ from modern sciences that emerged from Renaissance, because, taking place at the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century, developing itself along with the theories of systemic thinking at the beginning of this century, Ecology inspired this new thinking, culminating with the emergence of General Systems Theory in search of a "transdisciplinar" unification proposed by today's New Science. By applying the System Theory to the analysis of the behaviors of the individual and of the group, it is possible to approach the Agrarian Reform in a more comprehensive way. 

Keywords: New Science; Environment; Rural-Urban Relations.


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How to Cite

Whitaker, V. A., Souza, M. F. de, & Whitaker, D. C. A. (2013). Systems’ theory, culture and rural spaces in land reform. Retratos De Assentamentos, 16(2), 271-284.



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