Rural-Based Agro-Industries and Food Safety: Is this a New Model for the Development in Settlements?


  • Sonia Maria Pessoa Pereira Bergamasco Unicamp
  • Luiz Manoel de Moraes Camargo Almeida Uniara



Segurança Alimentar, Agroindústrias Familiares, Políticas Públicas.


The strengths of this paper are articulated to the analysis' course of family agro-industrial projects in the contexts of rural settlements; given that the subject of our reflection is related to a latest thematic of investigation on Brazilian specialized literature about local sites assessment and agents' action ability which is presented within those processes to generate alternatives for economic, social, and environmental development. Such initiatives establish with great deal food safety nets and they are stated as one of the alternative to revert the social, economic and environmental non-favorable consequences on the agricultural resources. The main objective of the study is not to present a case study but a methodological proposal to investigate the applicability, effectiveness, barriers, and improvements on the family agro industries that are establishing relationship nets in rural settlements. As to the evaluation and improvement, these policies do not have any fixed pattern to be followed until now. This lack can be noticed in all Brazilian States. Thus, this article constitutes the early effort to congregate evaluation indicators for the effectiveness and improvement of this public policy.

Keywords: Food Safety; Family Agro-industries; Public Policies.


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How to Cite

Bergamasco, S. M. P. P., & Almeida, L. M. de M. C. (2009). Rural-Based Agro-Industries and Food Safety: Is this a New Model for the Development in Settlements?. Retratos De Assentamentos, 12(1), 87-108.



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