Rural peasant women and their ongoing struggles for improving their lives


  • Marisa de Fátima Lomba de Farias UFSC



This article describes the reflections and experiences of recent research carried out in rural settlements in Mato Grosso do Sul State. Interviews were conducted through the dialectical process, also including observations and forms fulfillment, specifically designed for women, because they play a very important role in the community. Our work has endeavored to elucidate how these women build and rebuild strategies of resistance and strengthen their own identities through memory work. Theoretical/ methodological concepts defined the structure of a qualitative design (participant observation, semi-structured interviews that were recorded, and written application forms comprising both objective and subjective questions), which allowed to recognize the ongoing struggle of these women to bring about gender justice as to their social positions, refusing a linear and unifying view. Moreover, it was observed that women in the settlements develop strategies and identify relevant depiction of a way of being in the world, generating changes in gender relationships and essential to stay on the land.

Keywords: Gender; Identity; Memory.


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How to Cite

Farias, M. de F. L. de. (2011). Rural peasant women and their ongoing struggles for improving their lives. Retratos De Assentamentos, 14(1), 93-114.



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