A lack of public policy and forms of resistance of rural youth settled: acase study


  • Ana Flávia Flores Uniara
  • Silvani Silva Uniara
  • Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante Uniara




This paper examines the implications of public policies for the young people in the Bela Vista do Chibarro settlement, located in Araraquara town, Sao Paulo State, where, until these days INCRA has formally settled 223 families. In this paper we present a case study evaluation, where, most of the youth in the settlement migrate to the city due to their demand for autonomy since government is needed to offer prospects enforcing labor legislation for rural workers to ensure and establish guaranteed employment programs. However, the advantages and benefits of living in a big town are illusory and, indeed, at first this perception is not understood as illusion. However, as soon as they move to those cities they realize they were living lifestyles they cannot afford. These young people, upon returning to the rural settlement of origin, have a different impression of the place, whereas observing that little progress appears to have been made in economic conditions and public policies. The research encompasses two forms of resistance identified in the youth settled: the first deals with the role of young people in vegetable production, which have been achieved positive financial results and the second, is a group in the settlement, termed Grupo Pé Vermelho, that develops projects aimed at improving the quality of life for residents, especially strengthening social ties and positive self-esteem, including the community and other youth participation.

Keywords: Public Policy; Forms of Resistance; Youth Settled.


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How to Cite

Flores, A. F., Silva, S., & Ferrante, V. L. S. B. (2011). A lack of public policy and forms of resistance of rural youth settled: acase study. Retratos De Assentamentos, 14(1), 151-174. https://doi.org/10.25059/2527-2594/retratosdeassentamentos/2011.v14i1.81



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