Art, autonomy and resistance: the 'caricultura' group in the Rural Settlement of Barra do Leme


  • Ana Cecília dos Santos UFRN



This paper aims to explore the relationship between people, culture and the environment in a rural settlement where people experience art making the connection between art and their daily lives, highlighting the reinvention of everyday life, notwithstanding the existence of contemporary artistic productions in metropolitan areas. The field research was conducted at a rural settlement (Barra do Leme) located in the town of Pentecoste-CE. Data were collected through interviews with the residents and discourse analysis was used to explore their daily lives, including their expectations and forms of artistic and cultural expressions. This research seeks to evaluate the "Caricultura" group by their ability to reinvent themselves, exploring ideas concerning the relationship between art and life, through the lens of social processes for encouraging and awakening the creative potential in the residents of this settlement.


Keywords: Art; Environment; Public Policies.


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How to Cite

Santos, A. C. dos. (2011). Art, autonomy and resistance: the ’caricultura’ group in the Rural Settlement of Barra do Leme. Retratos De Assentamentos, 14(2), 75-94.



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