Public policies between efficiencies, errors and omissions: a portrait in two regions of State


  • Thauana Paiva de Souza Gomes FCL/Unesp
  • Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante UNIARA



This article presents part of the social indicators produced in state research conducted in 2011-2012 by INCRA/UNIARA, in the settlements of the Central and Eastern regions of São Paulo State. The objective is to analyze the social indicators produced on research and evaluate some policies targeting so differentiated in new projects and old. To conduct the study were selected 7 units each region, following the selection criteria of number of families, the lot size, age and category creation: project settlements or project for sustainable development. When analyzing the data concerning the regions we observed some policy gaps and potential development of the Central and east of São Paulo.

Keywords: Public Policies; Settlements; Efficiencies; Misconceptions.


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How to Cite

Gomes, T. P. de S., & Ferrante, V. L. S. B. (2012). Public policies between efficiencies, errors and omissions: a portrait in two regions of State. Retratos De Assentamentos, 15(1), 157-185.



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