Settled women in the central part of São Paulo: labor force, cooperative and protagonist role


  • Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante UNIARA
  • Henrique Carmona Duval UNICAMP
  • Thauana Paiva de Souza Gomes FCL/Unesp



The article depicts the role of women in agricultural production, in homemade food products and in non-agricultural income-generating activities developed in the settlements of the Central region. This study is based on quantitative research data from the INCRA/UNIARA survey, and likewise includes
characteristics of the Apoio Mulher project, a specific credit line available to
women's collective projects. Subsequently, qualitative data – particularly
ethnographic – from field research in the settlements in the region of Araraquara with women in different work situations were described as well. These data were used to show, but not exhausting, the different challenges facing women in adapting a range of domestic and production activities, inside and outside the family plots, and the strategies they use to form community groups, both formal and informal, in an attempt to obtain support from external agents and to find ways to add value to the production through the community agro-industrialization. The formation of groups also indicates possible forms of political organization that recognizes women key role in production within the settlements.

Keywords: Gender relations; The role of women; Productive groups.


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How to Cite

Ferrante, V. L. S. B., Duval, H. C., & Gomes, T. P. de S. (2012). Settled women in the central part of São Paulo: labor force, cooperative and protagonist role. Retratos De Assentamentos, 15(1), 209-263.



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