Public Policies and Perspectives on the Viability of the Rural Settlements


  • Pedro Ramos UNICAMP



Assentamentos Rurais, Objetivos, Viabilidade, Políticas Públicas, Associativismo.


This paper discuss the interactions among the objectives, the need for public policies, and the alternatives or probabilities of viability of settlementprojects for rural workers (PA's). It points out that such relations require both the state government support which is accomplished with the assignment of three main policies, as well as the need for associativism and co-operative proposals among the settled individuals. It states that these two realities would enable settlements to accomplish economically their productive activities when restraining part of the surplus, especially when facing the performance and the power of agro-industries which supply agros-inputs and process farming goods. However, it does not mean it is overcome but represents the maintenance of tensions and conflicts from economic, social, and political relations between those two entities, and the main expression of such occurrence seems to be the matter regarding the prices of acquired and offered goods. To illustrate the argument the text presents a field-research-based analysis of the case study of the industrial sugar cane production in some PA's located in the State of São Paulo.

Keywords: Rural Settlements; Objectives; Viability; Public Policies; Associativism.


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How to Cite

Ramos, P. (2009). Public Policies and Perspectives on the Viability of the Rural Settlements. Retratos De Assentamentos, 12(1), 69-86.



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