Strategies adopted by family farmers: between the shape of the intensive agricultural production systems and the creation of differentiated marketing forms


  • Antonio Lázaro Sant´Ana Unesp



The discussion reported in this paper is based on two extensive surveys conducted in the region. The first survey was carried out from 2004 to 2006 and focused on the study of producers' expertise and experience in farming and marketing. Altogether 169 participant producers shared their experience that
have contributed to the progress of these settled families towards achieving
their goals, either through an increase in income or the evolution of other factors, which in the households' perception, resulted in welfare improvement within eight settlements in the region of Andradina (SP). The second survey, which was carried out between 2007 and 2009, investigated the integration strategies adopted by small farmers to be used in direct marketing processes such as the retail or semi-direct sales, as the sales for retail trade, small industry, and / or institutional market, as well as the production strategies that aim to legitimize this differentiated insertion into the market. A total of 148 producers were involved in this latter study. They are from three micro-regions, located in Northwest Sao Paulo, as follows: Andradina (50), São José do Rio Preto (49), and Jales (49). However, in this work, only the results obtained from the latter micro-region were discussed. Analyses of all these surveys revealed that family farmers demonstrated their creativity and tenacity to develop various production and marketing integration strategies that have resulted in livelihood improvements and, concerning the differentiated marketing, highlighted a new classification of their roles as producers, and a revaluation of their way of life. However, in most cases initiatives were isolated or within limited groups, without a relationship that brings together and extend the positive experiences, although a great part of the studied region is embedded in areas covered by territorial development policies of the federal government.

Keywords: Family Agriculture; Strategies; Differentiate Marketing; Way
of Life; Northwest São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Sant´Ana, A. L. (2011). Strategies adopted by family farmers: between the shape of the intensive agricultural production systems and the creation of differentiated marketing forms. Retratos De Assentamentos, 14(1), 283-304.



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