Collection of public lands in the State of São Paulo for land reform: the case of finance reassemble (army) and between Valinhos Campinas – SP


  • Sônia Helena Novaes Guimarães Moraes Associação Brasileira de Reforma Agrária – ABRA



The article demonstrates the conflictual process of political recognition of the rights of quilombolas communities, from the legal perspective. It reviews various legal instruments that support the introduction of such constitutional rights in Brazil. The legality is not legitimized, justified by such laws are in the process of consolidation, rights related threats suffering setbacks, mainly due to pressure from political
representatives of the most conservative layers of society in Congress.

Keywords: Rights of the quilombolas; Titration; Legality threatened.


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How to Cite

Moraes, S. H. N. G. (2012). Collection of public lands in the State of São Paulo for land reform: the case of finance reassemble (army) and between Valinhos Campinas – SP. Retratos De Assentamentos, 15(2), 141-156.



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