Ethnographies about women settled: expressions of domination, resigna¬tion and protagonisms


  • Henrique Carmona Duval Uniara
  • Vera Lúcia S. Botta Ferrante Uniara



Gender relations, Livelihoods, Family Strategies, Rural Settlements


The article presents the ethnographic methodology prioritized for research on gender relations in rural settlements in the region of Araraquara/SP. From the recognition of the places women settled in the social production and reproduction of these social groups, ethnographic research allows a deepening of issues relating to the origin and history of women, as well as expressions of domination, resignation and protagonists. The article expresses more clearly the differences and uniqueness of the experiences of women in this social space. We present four cases of women who take forward the agricultural production in lots, have wage in and out of the settlement, but do not fail to be concerned with caring for the house and with the children. Other differences are constituted on the basis of marital status and stage of life of the children. Without intending to exhaust the existing singularities in the settlements, the article emphasizes the difference in places and in women’s attitudes. Despite some clashes violence material and symbolic lived, there is still a long record of struggle to put into action an agenda for effective public policies whose central axis rights in gender equality.


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How to Cite

Duval, H. C., & Ferrante, V. L. S. B. (2015). Ethnographies about women settled: expressions of domination, resigna¬tion and protagonisms. Retratos De Assentamentos, 18(1), 183-216.



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