Strengthening, Supply, Collective Actions, Institutional MarketsAbstract
Public policies to support the expansion of family farming have been strengthened over the decades and one consequence is the formation of collective actions around cooperatives and associations. In this context, dialogues have emerged that motivated the investigation, about the institutional markets and access to it through cooperatives and associations. This work aims to investigate the production and distribution of foodstuffs in MS linked to two institutions: COPRAN and the Broto Frutos Association for the supply of institutional markets. The methodology is supported by bibliographical research, as far as the objectives are exploratory and descriptive and with a qualitative approach. The data collection took place through semi-structured interviews with the agents involved in the process, carried out "in loco". The results pointed out that the challenges to be overcome are of great importance, but potentialities were also observed regarding the commercialization and supply to the institutional markets, and these are configured as elements that strengthen the supply dynamics. It is concluded that the priority of cooperatives and associations to serve the institutional markets, as opposed to isolated producers, are one of the great advantages of forming collective actions, such as COPRAN and Broto Frutos. Finally, for the cooperative and associated with commercialization with such markets, the guarantee of complementary income generation, a fact that contributes decisively to the expansion of the local economies, with the dynamism and food security.
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