The lot of land by means of croquis: analysis of the territorial planning of a rural settlement


  • Ana Lúcia Teixeira FCT/UNESP
  • Luis Antonio Barone FCT/UNESP



This study analyzes the territorial planning of lots of a land reform settlement (Settlement 'Nova Conquista'), located in a municipality in the western region of São Paulo State. To describe the lots internal space organization, undertaken by the settlers, we have used the design of croquis, to reproduce schematically the objects constructed by them. The analyzed sample contains four representations of lots. The croquis include an area of 50 meters from the house, encompassing the space of the yard and part of the production area. Based on a brief literature discussion about the dichotomy between spaces of production and reproduction in traditional rural communities, we analyzed the croquis, with the objective of realizing how they divide these spaces, as well as to investigate aspects of life conditions of this population - such as the position of households and sewage.

Keywords: Territorial Planning; Land Reform; Croquis.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, A. L., & Barone, L. A. (2014). The lot of land by means of croquis: analysis of the territorial planning of a rural settlement. Retratos De Assentamentos, 17(1), 179-203.



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