Revenue to the practice of benzedura and cure: an ethnography of traditional knowledge of women rural


  • Thauana Paiva de Souza Gomes UNISEB



This study, which is part of the master's thesis, was conducted in a settled rural community in the region of Araraquara (SP). In this paper, we investigated the importance of intangible heritage with respect to the transformation of the rural settlement spaces into places, promoting the development of linkages between generations through cultural memory to learn about new ways of life, where women play crucial roles as guardians and promoters of cultural knowledge. The aim of this study was to understand their abilities to use this knowledge in everyday life, in healthcare, in appetizer recipes or in the reproduction of life. We highlight that all inventory records reported here should be well thought out for the preservation, cataloguing and conservation work, in order to avoid the transformation of ideological aspects of such a culture that can lead to an impoverished understanding and may influence the values of individuals. As a result of the research, an inventory of unofficial knowledge was carried out describing the major places where these knowledge transfers occurred: at the house, we gathered data about traditional recipes and healthcare.


Keywords: Intangible Heritage; Knowledge; Women; Tradition.


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How to Cite

Gomes, T. P. de S. (2011). Revenue to the practice of benzedura and cure: an ethnography of traditional knowledge of women rural. Retratos De Assentamentos, 14(2), 33-74.



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